Transformational Breathwork
Conscious connected breathing practice that helps to gain access to the subconscious mind, release trapped emotions and traumas, and helps to rewire the brain overcoming patterns of self-sabotage limiting beliefs.
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Cold Water Swimming
Cold water therapy reduces inflammation and swelling, along with speeding up recovery after physical exercise and helping sore muscles. This practice also helps improve quality of sleep, better concentration and improved immune response.
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Rock Jumping
This is the greatest way to truly enter into a meditative state. Stepping into the unknown quietens any inner voices and massively improves self-confidence which, in turn, helps with overcoming limiting beliefs.
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Mountain Climbing
Bringing the mind down into the body allows a deeper connection with the physical being which increases pro-perceptive skills. Psychologically, this also improves the ability to know where the body is in relation to time and space.
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Meditation / Prayer
The mountains are often the very best place to meditate, stepping back from busy lives with constant distractions. Calm the nonsense and allow those true thoughts and feelings to arise.
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Visualisation and Goal Setting
Dreams are vital to our exponential growth because they fuel our discipline and our ability to persist. Tap into your desires, maximise your potential and create clear, actionable steps that will immediately move your goals forward.
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Guidance on the benefits of Intermittent Fasting
including optional 36-hour fast
The 36-hour fast, otherwise known as the Monk Fast, only drinking black coffee and water, aids cellular repair, weight loss and improves sleep, digestion, mental health and clarity. It also reduces insulin resilience allowing the body to enter ketosis, a metabolic state in which the body breaks down fat and uses it for energy, instead of sugar. Autophagy begins after 24 hours of fasting – this is the absence of an external source of food when the body then begins to eat itself. Auto, meaning self; phagy, meaning eat. Damaged cells and proteins are destroyed and recycled to help protect against diseases like cancer and dementia.
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Sleeping under the Stars
By resyncing the circadian rhythm, quality of sleep is vastly improved, along with restorative sleep, which is hugely linked to an increase in mood, alleviating depression.
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